Tennis For Fun Coach And Athlete Receive Recognition Awards From The...

Coach Rosanna Chiaramonte and Michael Cook received the Special Olympics Inspirational Coach and Inspirational Athlete awards, respectively, at the county Special Olympics competition. They...

Local Boy Scout Leader Wins Highest Honor: The Silver Beaver Award

Stephanie Crawley is an active mom of two and a Boy Scouts of America (BSA) leader. She was recently awarded the most prestigious Boy...

Cirque Italia Brings Grown-Up Circus Alcatraz To Brandon

Do you feel the need to escape and get away from it all? We aren’t talking about a dream vacation here, but being stuck...

Eagle Scout Builds New Office Space For Ever-Growing ECHO

By Kye Saunders Emergency Help and Care Organization, also known as ECHO, has received help from local Eagle Scout Jackson Bradford to transform what once...

Tax Collector Nancy Millan And Local Leaders Announce Property Tax Relief...

During a press conference outlining collaborative efforts to assist homeowners and business owners affected by Hurricanes Milton and Helene, Hillsborough County Tax Collector Nancy...

Jury Duty Exemption For New Mothers Goes In Effect

Serving on a jury that passes judgment on civil and criminal cases is one of the civic obligations that comes with living in Hillsborough...

April 6, 2021 Update: COVID-19 Case Data For Local Hillsborough County...

Update on local COVID-19 cases as of 9:25 a.m. on April 6, 2021. Since April 5, 2021 at 9:25 a.m., Riverview (32 new cases) had...

Get The Dirt: Resolutions Are Upon Us!

Many of us ponder New Year’s resolutions and come up with novel ideas. Some follow through, implement and stick with their resolutions. Others try...

Rotary E-Club Of South Tampa Offers Options

The E-Club of Tampa South (RECTS) initially focused its attention on the Tampa and MacDill Air Force Base (AFB) geographical areas. The city of...

March 1, 2021 Update: COVID-19 Case Data For Local Hillsborough County...

Update on local COVID-19 cases as of 9:25 a.m. on March 1, 2021. Since February 28, 2021 at 9:25 a.m., Brandon, Seffner and Gibsonton (six...