Red, White, & Bethune an Average American Family – Osprey Observer...
A local family of 5 with a successful business decides to pack it all up and hit the road... for good! Afters years of...
The Florida Outdoors: The Schultz Preserve
By Dr. Rob Norman
Here’s a great place for you to explore--The Schultz Preserve.
The land consists of 120 acres of restored estuarine and freshwater wetlands,...
Faith & Footprints: St. Paul-St. Louis Church, Paris, France
The Saint Paul-Saint Louis Church is considered one of the oldest Jesuit sites in Paris, and is situated in the Marais region. This aristocratic...
Hillsborough River State Park
By Dr. Rob Norman
A couple years ago, my outdoors buddy Ed and I decided we wanted to kayak the entire Hillsborough River, from the...
Tally Up Your Appetite And Thirst At These Hot Spots In...
With primaries and general election time right around the corner and the summer upon us, the Tallahassee is heating up in more ways than...
Faith & Footprints: Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal
By Kelly Wise Valdes
With the capacity to host 4,000 worshipers and a magnificent interior, the Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal is a must-see when visiting...
Newsome High School Grads Blog About Lifestyle Tour Of 61 National...
Lauren and Steven Keys logged more than 34,000 miles in their van in seven months earlier this year, but they saw some pretty amazing...
Travel Tales: Family White Water Rafting Adventure In Colorado
By Jordyn Kalman
About 25 years ago, when my parents still lived in Denver and were blissfully without kids, they used to go white water...
Faith & Footprints: Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourviere
There are countless cathedrals and churches throughout France, but the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourviere is thought to be one of the most beautiful. This...
Parks, Paths & Lighthouses Make It Only Natural To Enjoy Tallahassee...
Tallahassee and vicinity is home to multiple parks and outdoor recreation. Too numerous to mention all, but a few are highlighted below.
Cascades Park is...