High 5 BSAC

Vacation Expo Hosted By AAA Travel Agency Coming To Tampa

Staff Report A free Vacation Expo will be held at the Tampa Marriott Westshore from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Sunday, February 9  hosted...

Osprey Observer Podcast – Trip of a Lifestyle, Steven & Lauren...

Steven and Lauren Keys are a young married couple who are living the dream of financial freedom with their lifestyle brand Trip Of A...

Voltaggio Brothers Steak House A Must See At MGM National Harbor

By Marie Gilmore Within the MGM National Harbor, there is a foodie’s delight. Several great restaurants but the highlight is the intimate and decadent setting...

Egypt And Cairo: An Old Country Viewed Through A Young Student’s...

By Jasmine Haroun As a student, school is the place I go to every weekday to learn new things. As a traveler, the destinations I...

Faith & Footprints: Basilica at Montserrat and The Black Madonna

By Kelly Wise Valdes Nestled in a rugged mountain almost an hour outside of Barcelona, Spain sits the Basilica at Montserrat. The Basilica is home...

Study Abroad Gives A Whole New Meaning To Credits

As more students are now attending college, more students are also taking the opportunity to study abroad. I recently had the chance to travel...

Newsome Reacts to Macy’s Invitation; “Let’s Have A Parade”

By Tamas Mondovics Newsome High School students and staff, most specifically members of the Wolfpack Marching Band got a surprise announcement that will be hard...

AmTrak Auto Train Vacation Includes D.C. With Daytrip To New...

By Marie Gilmore With a family of 5 which includes 3 boys ages 15, 11 and 2, summer vacation has taken on a whole new...

Osprey Observer Podcast – Red, White, & Bethune an Average American...

A local family of 5 with a successful business decides to pack it all up and hit the road… for good! Afters years of...

Faith & Footprints: Old Ship Church, Hingham, MA

Few public buildings from the original American colonies have survived since the seventeenth century. One such building is the Old Ship Church located in...