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Bruton Memorial Library Celebrates Black History Month With Exhibit Of Portrait Artist, Rhonda Carol...

In celebration of Black History Month, the Bruton Memorial Library in Plant City has a wonderful exhibit of the works of Riverview resident, formerly...

2012 Small Business Of The Year Award Semi-Finalists Named

The Greater Brandon Chamber of Commerce congratulates the area businesses that have been named 2012 Small Business of the Year Award semi-finalists. Annually, this Awards...

Bunco Night Supports Relay

By Michelle Colesanti The fifth annual Osprey Observer Bunco will be held on Tuesday, February 5 at 6:30 p.m. This year Bunco will take place...

Talented Watercolor Artists Are Accepted Into The Florida Watercolor Annual Exhibition & Convention

By Kathy L. Collins Sue Allen of Lithia and Roxanne Tobaison of Seffner are both exceptionally talented watercolor artists. Their skill, technique and talent are...

Painting From The Heart Seeks Next Home Exterior Winner

The Ellis family, of Riverview, was thrilled to be a recipient of the Painting from the Heart grand prize of an exterior home paint...

Painting From The Heart Looking For Entries For Second Annual Paint Giveaway

What started as yet another charitable endeavor for local businessman Rob Silver, owner of Dynamic Painting USA, has morphed into an annual campaign called...

Riverview Area Press Releases

Rotarians Recap Meeting Michael Porter, territory manager for Carrier Florida West Coast, South West Territory spoke at the July meeting of the Rotary Club of...

Valrico Area Press Releases & Events September

Band of Brothers Hosts Dinner Bell Shoals Baptist Church's Band of Brothers is hosting its annual Sportsmen's Night scheduled for Monday, September 22, featuring Lt....

Lisa Rodriguez Named Brandon’s Honorary Mayor

Update: The three candidates for Brandon’s Honorary Mayor’s campaign raised more than $50,000 for local charities in the month of June up to July 4...

Afternoon Tea Party Fundraiser Welcomes Decorated Hats

Brandon South Rotary will kick off its Rotary fundraising for 2011 with its fouth annual MadHatter Tea Party scheduled for the events pavilion at...