I get excited studying some of the more offline Scriptures that we sometimes miss. Wanna study a cool passage with me? Turn in your Bible to Exodus 33:1-11. Here are some application points worth pondering:

• Moses had just returned from receiving the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai (chapter 32) and found the people worshipping a golden calf. Seriously? A cow? God was ticked (33:3). What other ridiculous priorities do we substitute for worshiping God today?

• People need a rendezvous place away from their regular ‘camp’ (home/work) and everyday stressors (verse 7) to meet Papa God unhurried, uninterrupted and unencumbered. Yes. Please. Soon.

• The people wouldn’t meet with Jehovah themselves; instead, they expected their leader (verse 8) to share what he’d learned. Each of us needs a personal Word from God. We don’t want to simply swallow spiritual food someone else chews for us (pastors and teachers); we need to chew, taste and digest it ourselves.

• God appeared as a cloud (verse 9). He appears in different forms all over the Bible—a burning bush (Exodus 3:4), dove (Matthew 3:16), column of fire (Exodus 13:21), stranger on a road (Genesis 18:1–3), tongues of flame (Acts 1:1–3)…makes you wonder if you’ve ever been in His presence without realizing it. Whoa. Sobering thought.

• Yahweh valued private time with his friend, Moses (verse 11). His friend. Just as He values private time with you and me. Friendship develops through spending time together. So…how much time do we actually spend with Him?

• Joshua, Moses’ intern, cherished being with his heavenly Father so much, he couldn’t leave (verse 11). Even after Moses left, Joshua stayed, soaking up God’s presence. Do we cherish being with our heavenly Father that much?

The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend (Exodus 33:11, NIV). Maybe it’s time you and I focus on growing our own relationship with our God-friend.

Prayer: Living Lord, I yearn to call myself Your friend. Teach me how.

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Debora Coty
Debora M. Coty is an inspirational speaker and award-winning author of over 40 books, including including the best-selling Too Blessed to Be Stressed series. Visit Debora at www.DeboraCoty.com