By Pastor Jomo Cousins, Ph.D.

Luke 16:10 (NLT):
“10 If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”

People always show up for the glory, but few know the whole story. They see the major successes and the big deals, but they don’t see the little things it took to manifest the big things. Details matter — even the small ones. Mastering small details sets us up for bigger moments in life.

One Saturday morning, our church was doing an adopt-a-highway event where we go out and clean up some local roadways. Most times when we do these events, a large number of people show up, but that day only a few did. One of them was a member who owns his own business. He told me he was kind of stunned to see me out there. After we had cleaned a couple of miles together, he said, “I love how you lead from the front!” I let him know that faithfulness always breeds fruitfulness. If we want to be fruitful, we have to be faithful — even with the small things.

Lord, help me to be faithful with small things so that, one day, I can be ruler over large things, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Except from: 60 Prayers in 60 Seconds, Page 38.

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