It’s hard to assess or tally the influence teachers have on students. With four teachers from the Talley family on staff at Sumner High School, the benefit will be seen for generations to come.
Sumner Principal Christine Wasylkiw cannot say enough about the incredible Talley family.
“It is a source of great joy to have four out of five family members contributing their expertise and dedication to our Sumner community as educators,” Wasylkiw said.
Sumner High School opened in 2020 and was built to relieve overcrowding at East Bay and Lennard high schools. Jason and Holly Talley, who had been teaching at Lennard High for nine years, recognized an opportunity to move close to home.
“We like being close to the kids. We like being in the community where the kids are,” Holly said.
The Talleys’ love for their students is evident and their love for teaching is palpable. Their own kids were drawn to the education field due to their passion.
Jason teaches chemistry. Holly teaches theater and drama. Their daughter, Samantha ‘Sam’ Bergey, teaches geometry and algebra. Their son, Peyton, teaches geometry.
What is the biggest benefit of teaching at the same school? It depends on who you ask. It is the extra time together, the ability to learn from each other, being held accountable and having a true support group. Everyone agrees on one thing: “It’s a win-win,” Jason said.
“Their passion and commitment to supporting one another is particularly evident during large-scale theater productions, where their collaborative efforts shine,” Wasylkiw said.
The Talleys know that their family-work situation is unique. It has shown them, tangibly, the benefits of a support network for new teachers.
“We are always talking solutions together and how we can make things better,” Holly said.
“When it comes to advice for teaching, my parents are the first people I go to,” Peyton said.
“Seeing the impact they have on kids was part of the draw to me. Now when I step into their class and see their energy, I am reminded I need to be more energetic with my kids,” Sam said.
Is there a drawback to four Talley family members teaching together? Not really. But occasionally, at the beginning of the school year, a student will end up in the wrong Talley classroom.
Without a doubt, Sumner High School can boast that their environment feels like home.