When Fellowship Church (originally named FishHawk Fellowship Church) launched in 1998, it knew that God had big plans for its ministry in the community and beyond. During the last 26 years, the church has grown to more than 2,000 attendees per week, and it continues to grow in ministry and outreach outside the FishHawk community.
On Sunday, September 8, at 10 a.m., Fellowship Church will officially launch its newest location at Collins PK-8 School. The pastor at this location is Steve Miller, who has been part of church planting for more than 20 years.
“We’re thrilled beyond words. This is why we left our home in South Florida a year ago and joined this team — for the opportunity to reach even more people with the good news of Jesus by planting a second location,” said Miller. “We can’t wait to bring the best of what Fellowship Church offers to Riverview. We’re excited to offer live preaching that is Jesus-centered and geared for life change, dynamic, spirit-led worship, a life-changing community and opportunities for everyone to use their gifts and make an eternal difference.”
There are more than 100 adults as part of the launch team and the church is preparing for two to three times that amount at the grand opening.
Fellowship Church’s communication director, Robin Lagrama, explained that the church is united with both locations.
“We will still be one church family uniting around the same beliefs, vision, mission and strategy, and being supported and strengthened by the same leadership, administration and processes that help us build the church,” said Lagrama. “Being in multiple locations also allows us to empower more people to serve and lead, while also being flexible to build customized ministries for the needs of each specific location.”
Fellowship Church believes that opening locations in new communities is the best way to reach more people with the good news of Jesus.
“It was 26 years ago when people from Bell Shoals Church journeyed out to start a church in the neighborhood of FishHawk,” said Lagrama. “We are still benefiting from their step of faith. We want to do the same for others, believing God will use our faithfulness to reach people in other communities for generations to come.”
With so many families living and moving to Riverview, Fellowship Church is excited to not only host Sunday services but also to be a blessing to the community and a church where people can truly connect, build meaningful relationships and serve together to see the community flourish.
For more information, visit https://fellowship.church/. Fellowship Church’s original location is 15326 FishHawk Blvd. in Lithia. The new location is at 12424 Summerfield Blvd. in Riverview.