Set to receive Harvest Awards in October at the Hillsborough County Fairgrounds in Dover are individuals, families, businesses and groups determined to advance and enrich agriculture countywide.
The Thursday, October 10, awards luncheon breaks with tradition, having previously been held on the opening day of the Hillsborough County Fair. Harvest Awards fall under the auspices of fair officials. This year’s 12-day fair kicks off on Thursday, October 31.
Dennis Carlton Sr. receives this year’s Harvest Award for Lifetime Achievement, which previously went to 23 individuals and four couples. The most recent honorees are Doug Holmberg, Jemy Hinton and Helen Parke, age 99, matriarch of Parkesdale Farms and Parkesdale Market in Plant City, which is known for its strawberry shortcake.
Hinton Farms, run by Hinton family members, this year becomes the 23rd Farm Family of the Year, following most recently the Winfred Harrell family, Sam and Jeff Busciglio and Glenn and Francis Williamson.
Keel Farms in Plant City is the fourth honoree to receive Urban Agriculturist recognition. Past recipients include Tampa Heights Community Garden, Seminole Heights Community Garden Project NOW, MOSI Partnership School and Lynn Barber of UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County.
Outstanding Agribusiness goes to Village Institute for Sustainable Technologies and Agriculture (VISTA) Gardens. The category’s most recent of 18 past recipients are Wish Farms, Farm Credit of Central Florida and the Florida Strawberry Growers Association.
The Young Farmer/Rancher/Nurseryman is recognized this year as Next Generation Farmer. The award goes to Eric Davis of Eric’s Land Management, grandson of legendary nurseryman Roy Davis, age 92. Recent past recipients are Joshua Griffin, Matt Parke (of Parkesdale Farms) and Dennis Carlton Jr., whose father was the first-ever Young Farmer honoree.
Hired 41 years ago after an interview with former Hillsborough School Superintendent Earl Lennard, when he was supervisor for agricultural education, Karen Hamilton joins the ranks of Outstanding Women in Agriculture. As the 17th award designee, Hamilton follows Dee Dee Grooms, Michelle Williamson and Debbie Gill.
Set to present Hamilton’s award are Annabel, Missy and Jeremy Lennard, in honor of Earl Lennard, the Brandon High School graduate and Lennard High School namesake, who retired as superintendent of schools in 1993. Hamilton teaches at Riverview High School, and before that at Eisenhower and Rodgers middle schools. Missy and Jeremy were among the thousands of children Hamilton has influenced over the years as a teacher, FFA sponsor and 4-H club leader.
Earl Lennard is one of 10 Posthumous Memorial Tribute honorees, most recently given to Clyde Dixon Sr., a World War II veteran who retired from careers in construction and crop insurance; Timothy Cribbs, a 39-year agricultural education and department head at Durant High School; and Bruce and Susan Harrell, who helped establish the Hillsborough County Fair Market Swine Show. There is no posthumous award this year, and no award for Outstanding Farmer/Rancher, which Joseph ‘Joe’ Sumner III received in 2023 as the only such honoree to date.
Along with the Harvest Awards, ‘Friends of the Fair’ recognition this year goes to Parkesdale Farms, Charley Belcher (FOX 13), Hillsborough County Farm Bureau, Hillsborough County Public Schools, Hillsborough FFA and Hillsborough County 4-H and UF/IFAS Extension.
For award and fair details, visit www.hillsboroughcountyfair.com.