Rotary International is excited to announce the 2024-25 ‘The Magic of Rotary’ Speech Contest for area high schoolers — freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors (ninth through 12 grade) — enrolled in public, private, virtual or home school. Previous contestants and winners are welcome to participate again. Students present five to seven-minute speeches with original content, including facts, statistics, stories, examples and quotations that apply to the current Rotary theme, ‘The Magic of Rotary.’
There are three rounds of competition, with the first at the club level to be completed by the end of February. At each level (club, region and district), monetary prizes will be awarded. Contact the Rotary Club closest to you for more information. Contact information is below.
FishHawk-Riverview Rotary hopes you enjoyed the 40th annual Alafia Lighted Boat Parade presented by FishHawk-Riverview Rotary and Chris Ligori & Associates. The club enjoyed seeing everyone having a good time visiting Santa, doing crafts, voting on the chilis in the cook-off, learning about local resources and, of course, watching the beautifully lit boats. It gives a big thank you to all who made this year’s event magical.
On Saturday, April 26, join FishHawk-Riverview Rotary for its 15th annual Crawfish Festival. Proceeds from both events benefit local and global projects which support its mission to alleviate hunger, poverty, illiteracy and disease.
To learn more about the club, contact Betty Huth at betty@hbphoto.com or www.fishhawkriverviewrotary.org.
E-Club of Tampa South
You are welcome to join the Rotary E-Club of Tampa South via Zoom on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 7-8 p.m. Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/7328811760. For more information, contact Duane Williams at dsigma79@aol.com or 813-541-6202.
Brandon ’86
The Brandon ’86 Rotary Club looks forward to hosting the Brandon Seafood Festival on January 18, at Rotary’s Camp Florida from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Attend for food, fun and fellowship. It will have live entertainment, games for kids, face painting and more. For more information, visit Brandon ’86 Rotary Club’s Facebook page, where you will find a link to purchase tickets.
Proceeds from this year’s Brandon Seafood Festival will support Rotary’s Camp Florida, Everyday Blessings, The SPARK Initiative and Family Promise. Go support these local charities and have a great time. For more information, contact Chad Norgard at chad@norgardinsgrp.com.
For more information, contact Debbie Meegan at debbiemeeganrotary@gmail.com.
Brandon Global Eco (Zoom)
For more information, contact Katie Tyson at katietyson@icloud.com.