I’m rereading one of my all-time favorite books, God’s Smuggler, which is about the true experiences of a Dutchman called Brother Andrew in smuggling (then-illegal) Bibles behind the Iron Curtain in the 1950s-60s. The remnant of faithful Christians in repressive Communist and Socialist countries was being systematically snuffed out when God placed it on Brother Andrew’s heart to distribute His word to bring hope to his struggling brothers and sisters in Christ. Sometimes, whole churches would only have one Bible (or none). The people were starving for the meat of God’s word.
The countless ways Yahweh taught Brother Andrew to completely trust Him are inspiring, including making the seeing eyes of border guards blind to contraband Bibles as he passed through inspections and providing the provisions Brother Andrew needed at the moment he needed them, such as exact sums of money, impossible-to-attain travel passports and contacts to assist in his dangerous subterfuge work.
I’d just finished the chapter detailing how Brother Andrew’s car broke down on a trip to Communist East Germany and repairs would cost 520 marks. Having no other choice, Andrew instructed the German mechanics to do the work, knowing he only had 470 marks with him. He trusted the Lord to provide the rest. Just as the work was finished Brother Andrew’s traveling companion dashed through the doorway waving a 50-mark bill he’d found on the street.
“I wish God would blatantly provide for our needs like that,” I naively thought, overlooking the ways He already has. When the mail arrived, I opened a card from an unknown reader and a $100 bill fell out. God had laid it on her heart to send, but she wasn’t sure why. The face of a single mom I knew suddenly floated before my mind’s eye. Lori had lost her job and was struggling financially. With a shock, I realized I was the conduit for Papa God to meet her need and bless her heart. In total awe, I sent the Almighty’s provision to Lori with a note reminding her that “He’s there. He’s aware. And He cares.”
When has God used you as a conduit of blessings?