During a recently held public meeting, Brandon’s Dove Field Pl. and Sunnyhills Dr. area residents were given the opportunity to get up close and personal with an upcoming water pipeline project under the direction of the Hillsborough County Public Utilities Department.
According to Project Manager Cindy Hutchens, the construction on the 225 feet of eight-inch potable water pipeline along Dove Field Pl. is scheduled to begin in late March and is expected to be finished by August. The result will be a number of benefits for the area residents, including the improvement of water quality, a much more reliable service and an increased fire protection.
“A fire hydrant also will be installed as part of the project. The new line will tie into a pipeline which now ends on Dove Field, and another line which ends at Sunnyhills Dr., creating a loop,” Hutchens said.
The $120,000 project is part of the countywide Potable Water Main/Distribution Lines Renewal and Replacement Project, a long-term program to improve water quality by connecting certain lines which now dead end.
County officials said that water in these lines can become stagnate, causing poor odor and taste requiring utility crews to regularly flush the dead-end lines using large amounts of water and labor.
“A looped system also provides more reliable service,” Hutchens said.
As construction commences, work will be done between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays and will include some lane closures at the intersection of Dove Field Pl. and Sunnyhills Dr.
While directional drilling will minimize areas to be disturbed, residents can expect brief water service outages during the final connections of new pipeline to the existing pipeline. Areas impacted will be fully restored upon the project completion.
The renewal and replacement program is being funded through the Water Resource Division’s Capital Improvement Program.
For more information about the project, residents may contact the county’s Water Resource Division during regular business hours or call Hutchens at 272-5977, ext. 43587.
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