The Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce is very excited about CNN/Money Magazines recent “Top 100 Best Places to Live in America” list ranking Riverview, Florida number 65 based on job growth, home affordability, safety, school quality, health care, arts and leisure, diversity, and several ease-of-living criteria.

Rank the rest based on job growth, home affordability, safety, school quality, health care, arts and leisure, diversity, and several ease-of-living criteria.


Top 100 rank: 65

Population: 73,500

Compare Riverview to Top 10 Best Places

Golf is big in Riverview, which boasts seven courses located less than 10 miles from the city’s center. Golf not your thing? The Busch Gardens theme park and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are also in the area. Though the population in this bedroom community of Tampa has grown by nearly 60,000 between 2000 and 2010, Riverview has maintained a small-town feel. Moreover, the influx of people has given Riverview’s housing market a boost. Local realtors say it’s now transitioning from a buyer’s market to a seller’s market. –E.R.

Riverview stats


City stats

Best places avg.

Median family income
(per year)
$75,870 $96,825
Family purchasing power
(annual, cost-of-living adjusted)
$82,557 $93,218
State sales tax 6.00% 5.57%
State income tax rate
(highest bracket)
0.00% 7.31%
State income tax rate
(lowest bracket)
0.00% 3.08%
Auto insurance premiums
(Average price quotes, for the state)
$1,476 $1,596
Job growth %
133.36% 25.01%
See jobs near Riverview


Median home price $117,000 $269,768
Average property taxes N.A. $6,517
See Riverview homes for sale


Colleges, universities and
professional schools (within 30 miles)
4 8
Test scores reading
(% above/below state average)
17.8% 28.2%
Test scores math
(% above/below average)
7.3% 29.2%
% students attending public/private
schools (located within town limits)
94.3/5.7 91.5/8.5

Quality of life

Air quality index*
(% of days AQI ranked as good)
81.8% 77.3%
Personal crime incidents (per 1,000) 23 2
Property crime incidents (per 1,000) 143 20
Median commute time (in minutes) 24.9 22.2
% population with commute
45 mins. or longer
17.1% 14.9%
% population walk or bike to work 1.9% 3.2%

Leisure and culture

Movie theaters
(within 15 miles)
16 33
(within 15 miles)
1,890 3,134
(within 15 miles)
138 199
Public golf courses
(within 30 miles)
211 169
(within 15 miles)
31 70
Museums (accredited by AAM;
within 30 miles)
0 10
Ski resorts (within 100 miles) 0 6
Arts funding (Dollars per person of state funds spent on arts) 0.2 1.4


Annual rainfall
44.77 34.21
% clear days in the area 63 32
High temp in July ° F 89.7° 86.8°
Low temp in Jan ° F 52.4° 18.4°

Meet the neighbors

Median age 34.3 35.2
Completed at least some college
(% of residents)
58.6% 72.6%
Married % 61.0% 57.9%
Divorced % 9.4% 8.0%
Racial diversity index
(100 is national average; higher numbers indicate greater diversity)
135.4 118.4

See less data

FAQ and sources

How we picked the Best Places to Live

Using statistics from data services company Onboard Informatics, we crunched the numbers in order to zero in on America’s best small cities for families. (Last year, we looked at small towns, with populations between 8,500 and 50,000.) Here’s how:

Start with all U.S. towns with populations of 50,000 to 300,000.

Screen out places with a median family income of more than 200% or less than 85% of the state average; those with more than 95% of one race; and those with poor education and crime scores.

Exclude retirement communities and towns with major job losses. Rank the rest based on job growth, home affordability, safety, school quality, health care, arts and leisure, diversity, and several ease-of-living criteria.

Factor in more data on the economy (including the fiscal strength of state and local governments), plus jobs, housing, health care, and happiness. Give the most weight to economic data.

Visit towns and interview residents; assess traffic, parks, and gathering places; and consider intangibles like community spirit.

Select the winner based on the data and reporting.

Feedback on the Best Places to Live list? E-mail the editors

Online notes and sources

Unless otherwise indicated, all data are as of 2011. CNNMoney’s Best Places database of 800-plus U.S. places includes cities with populations 50,000 and up.

Projections provided by Onboard Informatics are based on available U.S. Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Onboard Informatics is a data services company that specializes in working with real estate, media and technology companies.

Purchasing power is the median family income using ACCRA Cost of Living Index for 2011, as provided by Onboard. The ACCRA Cost of Living Index measures relative price levels for consumer goods and services.

Auto insurance data represent average quotes consumers received from more than 12 leading auto insurance companies that participate in‘s website. Note: No values were available for AK, HI, MA.

Median home sale price is compiled from actual sales transactions collected by Onboard Informatics from county and municipal assessor’s offices for 2011. Only includes sales within the place boundaries. Collection and analysis of geographic data (geo-spatial aggregation) by Onboard Informatics.

Underlying test scores are from Onboard then calculated the values, which represent the percent by which the school district’s Math and Reading test scores fall above or below the state’s average scores.

Percent of students in public and private school represent students attending schools in the boundary area only, and may not add up to 100% in cases where students attend certain county or state schools. Onboard Informatics projection/aggregation.

Quality of Life
Air quality index are county numbers. Source: EPA, Onboard Informatics projection/aggregation.

Personal crime incidents are per 1,000 from 2011 FBI incidence reports and Onboard Informatics aggregations.

Property crime incidents are per 1,000 from 2011 FBI incidence reports and Onboard Informatics aggregations.

Percent of workers with long commute times from U.S. Census and Onboard Informatics projections.

Percent of population that walks or bikes to work from U.S. Census and Onboard Informatics aggregations.

Leisure and culture
Number of arts and leisure activities (including museums, restaurants, bars, golf courses and ski resorts) within proximity of each city is calculated by Onboard Informatics.

Data sources:

InfoUSA – business names and locations, including recreational facilities and more ( Geo-spatial aggregation and processing by Onboard Informatics.

American Association of Museums – names and addresses of their member institutions. ( Geo-spatial aggregation and processing by Onboard Informatics.

National Assembly of State Arts Agencies – data on art funding ( – names and locations of ski resorts ( Geo-spatial aggregation and processing by Onboard Informatics.

Weather data from NOAA National Weather Center observation reporting stations. Collection and analysis of geographic data (geo-spatial aggregation) by Onboard Informatics.

Meet the neighbors
Percent of population that is married or divorced from U.S. Census and Onboard Informatics projections.

Map data details

Homes for sale provided by Trulia Real Estate Search.

City stats from Money, Onboard Informatics.

Map location sources and data partners

American Association of Museums – names and addresses of their member institutions. ( Geo-spatial aggregation and processing by Onboard Informatics.

American Public Gardens Association – names and addresses of their member institutions. ( Geo-spatial aggregation and processing by Onboard Informatics.

Associations of Zoos and Aquariums – names and addresses of their member institutions. ( Geo-spatial aggregation and processing by Onboard Informatics. – names and locations of North American ski resorts. ( Geo-spatial aggregation and processing by Onboard Informatics.

Great Schools – Test scores (

InfoUSA – top employers by county and listings and counts of businesses by type including recreational facilities, hospitals and more ( Geo-spatial aggregation and processing by Onboard Informatics. – average auto insurance quotes (

Note: Only four-year colleges and graduate schools are displayed. Source: Onboard Informatics.

All content based on public, private and governmental sources – and while we make every effort to identify errors or omissions in these sources, neither Onboard Informatics nor guarantees the accuracy of this information.

For more information see the information attached and/or visit


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