By Michelle Caceres

Dr. Brar at Amani Med-Spa is introducing another award-winning, non-invasive body contouring procedure at her practice. Kybella, a non-surgical procedure that is producing remarkable results, permanently reduces submental fat, more commonly known as a double chin.

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. The injections break down the fat, which is then processed through the body’s natural metabolism. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

Valrico resident Leott Wydetic gave Kybella a try to reduce the double chin that had been plaguing her for years.

“I’m not a large person but thanks to bad genes I had a little double chin that no matter what I tried it never went away,” she said. “Surgery was never an option for me but I didn’t know of many other alternatives.”

A pharmacist, Wydetic had heard about Kybella but was cynical that its results were not as dramatic as advertised. “I don’t really believe in miracle cures,” she said.

Wydetic attended an open house Brar hosted to introduce the product and saw the before and after pictures of patients who had underwent the treatment. They were compelling. She scheduled her appointment for the next day.

The procedure, scheduled on a Friday, took approximately 20 minutes. She was back to work on Monday.

Now weeks after the procedure, she is seeing a shrinking and tightening under her chin. She is beginning to see more definition in her jawline. “This was definitely the answer for me,” she said.

Brar said women aren’t the only ones who benefit from the treatment. “This product is a miracle for men too,” she said. “They want that chiseled neckline and this product delivers that result.”

At the current time Kybella is only offered by a small number of doctors in each city. Dr. Brar at Amani Med-Spa is one of those exclusive providers.

“This product is a game changer,” said Brar.

Amani Med-Spa is open Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m.–6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

For more about Kybella, visit or call 685-6111.

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Michelle Caceres
MIchelle Caceres has been writing for the Osprey Observer for seventeen years. She enjoys writing human interest pieces about inspiring members of the community who are working to better our community. She lives in FishHawk Ranch with her husband and recently became an empty-nester. When not writing, Michelle is serving her church community, reading and enjoying Florida's weather.