Papa God has a wonderful sense of humor and He loves it when we laugh. Especially moms. Because everyone knows when Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy, and when Mama laughs, the whole house rocks.

I believe laughter is the best salve for the skinned knees of the spirit. And heaven only knows how many times we’ll skin who knows what before this mom gig is over.

One of the ironies of motherhood is that you do so, so much, but you always think you should be doing more. In the throes of exhaustion, your will can sometimes write a check that your body cannot cash. To avoid mommy crash-and-burn, you need a break…a diversion…a pause that refreshes.

So for your tension-releasing pleasure, I’d like to now share with you my mom-chuckle moment from the memorable day my daughter had blabber control issues.

When my kiddos were young, we attended a small church that didn’t have children’s church, so after the age of five, kids went into big church with their parents. One day I noticed six-year-old Cricket doodling on her bulletin, daydreaming and singing to herself during the sermon.

So the next Sunday morning in the car on the way to church, I gave her the, “You’re a big girl now and therefore must learn to listen to the preacher” lecture. We arrived to find a very stern, ultra regal, black-robed visiting minister filling in for our own laid-back, easygoing pastor.

My wide-eyed daughter was plastered against the back of her chair as the heavy-winded minister bellowed the Scripture reading. Then during the offertory, he lifted his hands toward heaven and prayed in a deep, pious tone, “Lord, without you, we are but dust…”

My precious lil’ dumplin’—who was listening!—piped up in her little girl voice loud enough to bring the service to a halt: “Mommy, what is butt dust?”

Quote of the day: “Parenting is a delicate balance of convincing your child they can do anything in life while simultaneously screaming, ‘Don’t do that!’ every three minutes.”
~Adapted from my newest book, Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms

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Debora Coty
Debora M. Coty is an inspirational speaker and award-winning author of over 40 books, including including the best-selling Too Blessed to Be Stressed series. Visit Debora at