For over 50 years, Herzing University’s mission has been to empower students for success in work, learning and engagement in our communities and global society. Now, with 11 campuses in seven different states, Herzing is a not-for-profit, accredited institution which offers in-person and online options for a variety of nursing, health care, business, legal studies, public safety and technology programs.
In response to the nation’s shortage of nurses, Herzing is proud to announce the opening of its new Tampa campus. Jeff Cross, regional president, is so excited for current and prospective students.
“There are jobs out here. We need more nurses, and we’re filling that need. At Herzing, students have access to innovative nursing simulation labs with high-fidelity mannequins,” said Cross. “They get to work on real-life scenarios guided by faculty members, so when they enter the field, they are more prepared. Our board exam pass rates exceeded national and state averages in 2020.”
Herzing has graduated over 6,000 nurses nationally, 1,000 from the Orlando campus alone. This demonstrates the quality education students receive when they study at Herzing.
Herzing offers a variety of programs, including certificates, diplomas, associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees. Most general education courses are offered online and academic counselors are available to help tailor programs that meet your schedule with day, night, and weekend classes.
You can expect the faculty and staff at Herzing to work with you every step of your educational journey to personalize your experience. Whether you need academic guidance, time management strategies, disability accommodations or access to university resources, your student advisor will be there to help address any academic or personal issues that can impact your studies. Additionally, career services and financial aid are available. Reach out to Herzing’s professional team to explore options best for you.
For more information, visit www.herzing.edu or call 285-5281. Herzing University is located at 3632 Queen Palm Dr. in Tampa.