The past few pandemic years have been hard on all of us, believers and nonbelievers alike. We’ve encountered obstacles we’ve never before faced, some we never even knew existed. Disruptions to our sense of security that seemed to have no resolution in sight.

Whatever our foe — unemployment, divorce, rejection, abuse, personal loss, illness, fatigue — we may feel beaten down and don’t see how we can possibly endure.

But my friend, take heart. Others have done it. Because of Immanuel (“God with us”).

Ruth tragically lost her husband, friends and home but chose to follow God’s guidance to accompany her mother-in-law to a foreign country, where Ruth was different.

Rather like you moving to a remote Kenyan village. Hard. Lonely.

But because Ruth persisted, she was blessed with new love and new life, completing the lineage that produced King David, and later Jesus Christ.

Hannah not only had to share her husband with another woman, but she was also barren — a public disgrace in her day. For years she endured cruel taunting from “the other woman.” Hannah was greatly distressed and wept bitterly.

But here’s our takeaway: She kept on praying. She made the decision to trust God through horrible circumstances.

The Lord mercifully blessed Hannah with her heart’s desire, and Hannah’s child grew to become the mighty prophet Samuel.

Jesus, of course, was our gold-standard example of endurance through hardship. He persevered through ridicule, beatings, imprisonment, deception and desertion by his closest friends. People failed Jesus again and again. But He rose above disappointment and hurt. He kept His eyes on His deeper purpose — saving the very ones who had wounded Him most.

So, what about you — are you feeling beaten down? Struggling daily to endure? Can’t seem to rise above it? I totally get that. I’ve felt the same way.

But what we can’t rise above, we must pass through.

Jesus will help us do it.

“God blesses those who patiently endure,” (James 1:12 NLT).

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Debora Coty
Debora M. Coty is an inspirational speaker and award-winning author of over 40 books, including including the best-selling Too Blessed to Be Stressed series. Visit Debora at