Vine Vegan is hosting monthly workshops to show the community how they can incorporate a plant-based diet into their lives without stress or complications.
Owner Danielle Stevens and certified plant-based nutritionist Erin DeMarines hosted their first interactive session at Vine Vegan to introduce customers to eating vegan. With about 25 people attending, January’s ‘learning-focused’ workshop served as an introductory session.
At the end of February, Stevens and DeMarines will bring customers to Sprouts and offer tips on creating a ‘well-rounded vegan shopping list.’
“I think people want to know how to shop for themselves, how to eat out, how to make healthy food at home, how to make it fast, so we just want to kind of cover all those bases,” Stevens said.
Stevens shared insights from her own journey to eating vegan and practical tips for customers looking to do the same.
“People have aspirations to get healthier in the new year. And a lot of people struggle with allergies, making appropriate and delicious meal planning a challenge. All of those things together, I thought it might be the perfect time to offer something to meet those needs,” Stevens said.
In March, Stevens plans to organize a hands-on cooking session at Vine Vegan. In future workshops, she plans to host guest speakers, such as a doctor who could advocate for a vegan diet.
The Vine Vegan owner encouraged those interested to attend one of her sessions. She said guests do not have to attend every month but can come in when there is a topic that interests them. Stevens hopes to offer engaging workshops for customers and answer any questions they may have about what a vegan or vegan-ish lifestyle looks like.
The classes are free and are hosted from 5:30-7 p.m., and customers will have the opportunity to purchase and try some of Vine Vegan’s food for their dinner.
Vine Vegan will host the sessions at the end of each month in one of its private rooms. The restaurant is located at 2080 Badlands Dr. in Brandon off Brandon Parkway and Providence Road.
For more information on Stevens’ story, what Vine Vegan offers or upcoming sessions, follow Vine Vegan on Facebook, visit https://vinevegan.com/ or call 813-939-8463.