Each year, Hillsborough County Parks & Recreation hosts the Active Life Games. These games are designed for Hillsborough County Residents 50 years and older. The Active Life Games are set up as an Olympics-style competition. They help promote physical and mental fitness for older adults.
Mikah Collins, community relations coordinator for Hillsborough County Parks & Recreation, said, “Active Life Games is designed for those 50 and older to participate in the games, for health, fun and socializing. Participants are encouraged to come out and join the fun. You can be a seasoned vet in your sport of choice or a beginner. Each age group has variously skilled participants who are all there to enjoy the games, meet new friends and connect with old friends.”
The Active Life Games began in the 1980s. They offer a variety of contests for all skill and fitness levels. This year’s Active Life Games will take place from Monday, September 30, until Friday, October 11. Events at the Active Life Games include track and field, shuffleboard, pickleball, billiards, horseshoes and more. Individual competitions are held over two weeks at a variety of locations throughout Hillsborough County.
As the Active Life Games are just like the Olympics on a local level, there will be both an opening ceremony and a closing ceremony. The opening ceremony will be held on September 30 at 10 a.m. at David Barksdale Senior Center, located at 1801 N. Lincoln Ave. in Tampa. The closing ceremony will be held on October 11 at 11 a.m. at the University Area Community Complex, located at 14013 N. 22nd St. in Tampa.
Last year, the Active Life Games introduced lawn bowling and basketball shooting. These sports were highly demanded by prior participants and have proven to be very popular. The golf event this year will be held at Rogers Park Golf Course.
Registration is now open and continues through Friday, September 20. The cost for one event is $25. If you would like unlimited events, the cost is $30. There is also an additions $30 charge for those participating in the golf competition. This additional cost includes a cart.
The registration forms and a complete schedule of events can be found at www.hcfl.gov/activelife.