The Florida CattleWomen’s 2024-25 Executive Committee.

While the introduction of cattle to Florida occurred over 500 years ago, the Florida CattleWomen Inc. (FCW) is working to ensure that this history remains relevant to the everyday consumer. Since its inception in 1961, the FCW has developed various interactive and educational programs to heighten public awareness and support for the state’s beef industry. The FCW works alongside the Florida Cattlemen’s Association and the Florida Beef Council to meet these goals.

“Florida CattleWomen came about … out of necessity,” said Eden Yarborough, 2024-25 FCW president. “It came because we believe in our product and needed to help others see what we saw in our cattle here.”

For the FCW, the average consumer includes not only adults, but children too. Through the ‘Ag in the Classroom’ opportunity, members of the FCW visit schools and explain aspects of the beef industry and sustainable practices. After reading a relevant book to the students, the FCW members typically guide the children through an exercise, such as the ‘There’s a Cow in My Marshmallow’ worksheet, which educates students on beef byproducts.

The ‘Beef Ambassador’ program is another opportunity for Florida youth to become involved. After reviewing applications and interviewing candidates, the FCW nominates one individual to each of its Junior, Intermediate and Senior Beef Ambassador classes. Serving as representatives of the FCW, these beef ambassadors visit various sites, such as nursing homes and Rotary Clubs, to educate the community on the importance of Florida cattle.

The Florida CattleWomen’s 2024-25 Florida Beef Ambassadors.

The FCW also participates in the annual Florida State Fair. Tending to the booth, representatives disseminate information, provide fresh beef samples and answer questions. Yarborough cited this as a great opportunity for consumers to meet with individuals who are concerned with or work in the Florida beef industry.

“So, I think there’s a lot of times that we can provide them with really good insight of what happens behind the gates of a ranch and how we operate,” said Yarborough. “… So, I think a lot of people really appreciate being able to talk to somebody who actually does it for a living and they’re not just hearing about it online.”

For more information, please visit or the FCW Facebook page, or email the FCW at

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