The E-Club of Tampa South (RECTS) initially focused its attention on the Tampa and MacDill Air Force Base (AFB) geographical areas. The city of Tampa and the AFB have very few Rotary clubs within extremely high-populated locations within the Greater Tampa area. It would be an inconvenience for military personnel at MacDill to attend in-person meetings since they only have a limited amount of time for any such activities.
As the 2021-22 district governor, Deborah L. Williams, herself retired from the military, wanted to charter a new Rotary club. She wanted to target professionals such as active-duty and reserve military, military spouses, military contractors and other base professionals. When the chartering of an after-hours e-club venue for civilians was promoted, first responders, such as law-enforcement officers, firemen, medical EMTs and RNs, as well as realtors, pastors and others with tight schedules to engage in local, national and international services through an active Rotary e-club. The Rotary E-Club of Tampa South was officially chartered on June 1, 2022.
The quest toward an active Rotary e-club started when the request was approved to set up a membership recruitment booth at MacDill’s Tampa Bay AirFest, from March 26-27, 2022. This was a first for Rotary District 6890 as a participant in such a huge signature event on a military facility such as AFB in the Greater Tampa area. It was estimated that AirFest 2022 would host well over 150,000 plus attendees. Some of the e-club’s future members not only participated but also many were recruited from this single effort. This was an awesome opportunity for co-branding Rotary District 6890 within the Greater Tampa area and beyond.
Rotary E-Club of Tampa South’s activities so far include:
- A Speech Contest, in which a RECTS student won at the Rotary District 6890 Group level in March 2023.
- A candidate from RECTS who participated in the Seminar for Tomorrow Leaders (S4TL) in June 2023.
- A two-day fundraiser for PolioPlus with e-cycling activities in October 2023.
- Providing monetary support to the Honduras Compassion Partners (HCP) of La Paz, Honduras in February 2024. RECTS’ humanitarian mission consisted of building a house and pilas (water storage structures) and installing latrines and water filters. Our team fed several communities and provided clothing to the children. The e-club gifted nonperishables to local residents and gave students scholarships and supplies. It also provided the HCP mission with equipment.
- Two yard sales in April 13 and May 4, 2024, for the RECTS Club Foundation.
- Being granted the opportunity to be the International Partner Club on a global grant proposal to upgrade the Primary Health Centres and Sub-district Hospital in Bohr-Pune, India (Rotary Club of Pune Laxmi Road, District 3131). The global grant was completed in December 2024.
- Providing veterans with breakfast sandwiches and drinks at Fishhawk Bagels on Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2024.
You’re welcome to join Rotary E-Club of Tampa South’s Zoom meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 7-8 p.m. The Zoom meeting link is
For more information, contact Duane Williams at or 813-541-6202.