Since 2011, Dynamic Painting USA and Osprey Observer Newspapers have partnered in the Painting from the Heart campaign. The contest is designed to give an exterior home paint job to a local family or single mother in need that might benefit from a home paint job.
For this year’s Mother’s Day contest, Dynamic Painting owner Rob Silver would like to help a family with a single mom to paint the exterior of the house.
Applications are available in the Osprey Observer or by emailing subject line PAINT to contest@ospreyobserver.com. You can also print the application located at the end of this article.
Since 2011, nine exterior home paint jobs have been donated and families all across Hillsborough County have been the recipients. Potential recipients will write up to a 500-word essay on why they would like a paint job, and must include a picture of their house in order to be eligible. Certain restrictions apply. Entries can be emailed or mailed into the Osprey Observer offices at 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Brandon, FL 33511.
Last year, for his 10th anniversary in business, Silver donated $10,000 in paint jobs to two local families, the Trombley and Dean Families.
“I started my business in 2007 and did most of the painting myself,” said Silver. “The community has helped my business grow and I’m proud to give back with the Painting From The Heart Campaign.”
According to Silver, he has donated on average $2,500-$3,000 of exterior paint jobs every year for close to five years. The campaign, called Painting From the Heart, gives exterior paint jobs to single mothers on Mother’s Day and servicemen or veterans during the holidays. For the last 10 years, he has also given $3,000-$4,000 in certificates to local charities for room makeovers every year.
“If I can make a small difference in somebody’s life by giving a paint job away, then I’d love to do that,” added Silver.
In addition to Painting from the Heart, Silver has also been involved as a guardian for Honor Flight of West Central Florida, taking WWII Veterans on a trip to D.C. for the day, has been a member of Rotary, local Chambers and more.
For information on Dynamic Painting USA, visit their website at http://dynamicpaintingusa.com or call 689-9333.
Print below application and mail to Osprey Observer, 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Brandon, FL 33511, or email subj: PAINT to contest@ospreyobserver.com
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