People dealing with trauma, mental health issues, addiction, co-occurring disorders, abuse, grief or many other problems can find state-of-the-art, compassionate counseling with a great variety of treatments and therapy styles at New Life 360° Inc.
Established in August 2018, New Life 360° is an Intensive Outpatient treatment center that provides therapy for adolescents, adults, elders and military veterans. Its goal is to encourage, renew and turn its patients’ lives around for the better, hence the organization being named “New Life 360°.”
Sherry Bradley, LCSW, MCAP, CEO and Founder of New Life 360°, has over 17 years of addiction treatment experience and seven years as a mental health social worker. She has done many years of studying, and has over a decade of personal experience, such as opening a women’s recovery home in 2006 for substance abuse treatment, which is still active.
“New Life 360° was birthed through my passion and my desire to assist people with their mental health problems and their substance abuse problems,” said Bradley. “My idea of New Life 360° came about 10 years ago, actually, when I was going through school in Michigan, and I just had this passion to want my own clinic.”
New Life 360° allows many choices in treatment and therapy approaches, such as individual and group counseling, family and marital counseling, video counseling, culturally sensitive therapy, life coaching, play therapy, somatic psychotherapy, suicide prevention and more. Combined with the numerous types of issues it can help people through and its sliding scale fee policy, the company offers patients better opportunities for help tailored for them.
As stated on New Life 360°’s website, in its Intensive Outpatient program, “individuals receive primarily group therapy from 2-5 days per week, while seeing an individual therapist on a weekly basis during treatment.” It also offers outpatient and aftercare services.
The organization wants to create new buildings to service more areas, and it is currently seeking to make two.
“Our goal is to service the community and reach those who are struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues, and being able get them to live a high-quality life,” Bradley said.
New Life 360° is located at 1047 E Brandon Blvd. in Brandon. Its office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
For information, call 548-1166, email sbradley@newlife360inc.com or visit https://newlife360inc.com/.