Angie Klein is an artist and a lifelong resident of Plant City. Klein is displaying her art for the first time at the Bruton Memorial Library located at 302 McLendon St. in historic downtown Plant City.
Klein’s lovely work is shown in a group of three settings. The first group of paintings are from her ‘Goat Show’ series. The delightful and whimsical paintings portray three goats in beauty contest entry photos.
The second grouping is the ‘Strawberry Series.’ There are seven paintings in this grouping. They are bright and vibrant in color. The detail is intense, and viewing them, you immediately get into the mood for sweet and delicious strawberries.
The third grouping is called ‘Angels Among Us.’ Klein explained in her artist statement, “Each of these Angels were inspired by lonely ones we see on our weekly trips to Ybor City. So often overlooked, passed by without so much as a glance, purposely avoided.” Klein added, “On occasion, I linger long enough to hold a chat with one of our homeless residents and find myself feeling both blessed and sad, but often I am left wondering…Are we missing the Angels Among Us?”
Klein explained that she is inspired by folk artist, Ruby C. Williams. “The heart and feeling behind each of her paintings inspires me to ask ‘Why am I creating the piece? What am I hoping the viewer will feel when they see it? What am I trying to say?,”added Klein.
Klein’s artwork will be on view at the library through February. You can also see and meet her at the Annual Florida Strawberry Festival where she will be an exhibitor.
For more information on Klein and her art, please visit www.angiekleinart.com.