Galatia Nonnenkamp has been teaching for 18 years.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I wanted to make a difference; children are our future. I enjoy working with children and I am always learning from them. They make me a better person. I can’t imagine doing another job than the one I do. Teaching is my true passion.

What is a goal of yours as a teacher?
To find that light that enlightens their learning. To reach all learners.

Do you have any hidden talents you would like to share?
I am a storyteller. I can keep my audience entertained. I enjoy comedy and drama. I put [in] a lot of passion for what I do.

What is something your students don’t know about you?
I am afraid of driving on highways. I will find an alternative route even if it is long just to avoid driving on the expressway.

What is your favorite book and why?
The greatest book of all: The Bible. What better book to calm me down, to give me hope and at the same time keep me entertained?

What is your most embarrassing moment as a teacher?
So many… I once bent and broke my pants in front of my students. They heard the rip and they just knew it was my pants. I exited the classroom with diplomacy and thousands of laughs followed me. My teaching assistant stayed with my students while I went to the office to find a student uniform that fit me. It was quite a day to remember…

Is there a quote or saying that you live by?
Happiness is contagious; keep on spreading it!

Christian Voice Teacher of the Month is sponsored by KnowledgePoints

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