Tampa Bay Young Marines Participate In Veterans Day Parade
Members of the Tampa Bay Young Marines participated in the Ruskin Veterans Day Parade hosted by the Ruskin Memorial VFW Post 8267. Following the parade, the young Marines were able to meet CSM Robert Patterson (USA/Ret.), a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor.
The Tampa Bay Young Marines is a youth organization for young men and women ages 8-18 or graduation of high school. The primary focus of the program is Drug Demand Reduction (DDR), educating the kids about drugs, what they do to the body and how to say no to their peers.
The Young Marines will learn leadership skills. Through achieving things in the program, a child can expect to build self-confidence and build on skills that will help them through life.
Visit https://members.youngmarines.com/unit/tampabay/home.
Lennard High School Winter Music Festival
Please join the Lennard High School Music Department on Tuesday, December 10 for its annual winter concert. The concert begins at 6:30 p.m. and will feature the Lennard bands, choirs and orchestra. The program will end with a combined performance of Joy to the World.
Admission is free, but donations will be accepted at the door. Flowers and light concessions will be for sale. Lennard High School is located at 2342 E. Shell Point Rd. in Ruskin.
Free Programs At Riverview Library
The Riverview Library, located at 10509 Riverview Dr., offers many programs are courtesy of the Friends of Riverview Library and Hillsborough Library System (unless otherwise noted). Inquire at the Library Service Desk, call 273-3652 or visit hcplc.org for the programs.
Here are a few of the many offered:
Marketing Strategies for Your Etsy Store: Friday, December 13, 4-5 p.m.
Marketing is a critical component of running a successful business as an artist, crafter or designer on Etsy. This program will provide tips on how to establish your brand identity and target your ideal customer. Learn strategies to find and keep customers through cross-promotion, contests and outreach. Whether you are a new seller on Etsy or have a thriving online store, this workshop will help you hone your marketing skills and expand your business.
Card Making with a Flair: Saturday, December 14, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Join paper crafting expert Christy Cain and learn how to make a beautiful card showcasing classic and contemporary designs in this class for beginner to intermediate crafters. Each participant will create five cards to take home and also learn how to make an envelope to fit any size card. Seating limit: 10. Registration is required.
Family Ornament Making: Monday, December 16; 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Learn how to make festive ornaments that are customizable and perfect to use year-round. Make one for you to take home and one to leave as a gift. These handmade items will be donated to local organizations such as St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital and the local VA hospital. All materials will be provided. Registration required.
Sparkly Winter Art: Tuesday, December 17; 6-7 p.m.
Create winter art on a canvas using paint, glue and other material. All materials will be provided. For ages 12 and up.
Bloomingdale 5K To Be Held On January 18
The third annual Running of the Bulls 5K will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2020. The 5K starts at 8 a.m. at Bloomingdale High School. Runners and walkers are both welcome to participate. The race supports Bloomingdale High School students and proceeds go directly to the band and athletic teams.
The 5K is chip-timed by FITniche Events. Participants will receive a Dri-FIT shirt and 5K finishers will earn a medal.
Registration is $30. Register at https://fitniche.com/event/running-of-the-bulls-5k/.