By Gwen Rollings
Have you ever wondered how to make a positive impact on the lives of teens? IMPACT Program, Inc. does that in Hillsborough and some surrounding counties by educating, equipping, empowering and supporting students, parents and teachers regarding healthy lifestyles and relationships.
If you ever wondered how you could support or become involved with such a life-changing organization, IMPACT invites you on Saturday, February 29 to come to its fundraising Tea and Fashion Show at the Tin Roof Trading Company in Lithia. The doors will open at 10:30 a.m. At 11 a.m., the event begins with the tea and light lunch, a guest speaker, a fashion show and a silent auction for a $25 registration fee.
IMPACT Program, Inc.’s vision is to serve the community in public and private middle and high schools, churches and community organizations in the area of sexual risk avoidance. Through its Teen IMPACT, Parent Program and Classroom Education, teens are encouraged to say ‘yes’ to healthy relationships and a positive future by saying ‘no’ to premarital sex, drugs, tobacco and alcohol.
Angie Kagey, executive director of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, said that the students are extremely receptive to the messages they present.
“Very often when we return to a school for a second session—there are usually five sessions in a series—students will come up to us and say, ‘I was hoping you would come back!’ Teens are enthusiastic about our Teen IMPACT and even volunteer or join our Summer Staff Program,” she said.
The Parent Program affirms that parents can and should be the primary educators of their children when it comes to sexuality and character. According to recent polls, teens list their parents as their number one role models.
According to leadership expert Stephen Covey, “Role modeling is the most basic responsibility of parents.” According to the American Medical Association, a study of 12,000 adolescents showed that children whose parents held high expectations for them had higher school achievement and fewer risk-taking behaviors. Parental and other significant adults’ involvement in IMPACT is a vital component.
Kagey anticipates that the upcoming fundraising Tea and Fashion Show will not only be fun and informative but will encourage open dialogue about the messages that positively impact the future of our youth. Visit www.whatisimpact.com or call Kagey at 264-9368.