Michelle Mosher is an active member of the Brandon community. She and her family live in FishHawk. She is the owner of Southshore Insurance Professionals in Riverview and was the president of the Riverview Chamber of Commerce, but she is still very active in the chamber. Mosher never thought in a million years that her ability to be active would be taken away by a pandemic.
“I’m currently self-quarantining in my home,” Mosher said.
A member of Mosher’s immediate family started showing symptoms of COVID-19, but the symptoms only lasted for about 15 hours.
“My loved one came home from work not feeling well and had a slight fever,” Mosher said. “I banished them to another room in the house and told them to do a Teladoc appointment to see if they should be tested for COVID.”
The next afternoon, her loved one did a Teladoc appointment and the doctor suggested they go get a COVID-19 test.
“We called and it would be like two weeks to get a test through the county,” Mosher said. “We called some other places, but since my loved one didn’t have a fever anymore or no real symptoms, no one would give them a test.”
Mosher’s family member ended up at an urgent care facility that finally agreed to give them a test. A few days later, their test came back positive for COVID-19.
“They were positive but had no symptoms,” Mosher said. “At that point, our friend, Dr. Lutz of Motion Chirotherapy in FishHawk, offered to give me and my other family member an antibody test.”
Dr. Bob Lutz had secured a few antibody tests for his family when the pandemic hit. “I wanted to have a few on hand to make sure my family was safe,” Dr. Lutz said. “I did my research and I went with the Baxter antibody test because it’s FDA approved.”
The way the antibody test works is that a blood sample is taken from the patient by a finger stick. The sample is then overnighted to Boston for testing and the results are back in 72 hours. Mosher and her other family members were tested and their results came back negative for the COVID-19 antibodies.
“We are still currently self-quarantining, waiting for our loved one to get a negative COVID test result,” Mosher said. “My hope out for the outcome of all of this is that people take this virus seriously. Do what is necessary for our community to get better and back to normal. Wearing a mask and following health guidelines shouldn’t become a political issue. Small businesses are suffering because of this pandemic.”
To learn more about Mosher’s business, Southshore Insurance Professional, visit www.southshoreins.com or call 448-7580. To learn more about the services offered at Motion Chirotherapy, visit www.motionchirotherapy.com or call 793-7791.
Dr. Lutz has a limited supply of antibody tests and will only administer them on a case-by-case basis.