For more than five years, the Greater Seffner Area Chamber of Commerce has participated in its annual new teacher event, which helps support the success of its teachers and students.
The event gives new teachers information about local businesses that can assist with meeting their needs and provides prizes and welcome gifts to new teachers, and it also introduces them to the members of the chamber to encourage community engagement.
The Greater Seffner Area Chamber of Commerce’s vice president, Charles Bates, explained the purpose of its annual event.
“We want to show appreciation for all the hard work our teachers do as well as thanking them for stepping up to the challenges and obstacles that came along with COVID-19,” Bates said.
On September 10, a total of six schools, including Seffner Elementary School, Limona Elementary School and Mango Elementary School, partook in the annual event, which went virtual for the first time.
Each participating teacher received a prize and many new teachers won raffle prizes. All of these six schools also received two bags of school supplies each. The Kiwanis Club of Greater Brandon was the Honor Roll sponsor.
Caspers Company McDonald’s was the Head of the Class sponsor and supplied the Seffner Elementary School teachers with goody bags holding items such as coupons for a free McCafe hot or cold beverage and much more. The teachers and staff also received breakfast.
As active members in the community and the chamber of commerce, Caspers Company admires teachers and is committed to being an asset to help them achieve their goals.
Capers Company McDonald’s Vice President Bob Conigliaro shared how it felt to be the Head of the Class sponsor.
“As a huge supporter of everything educated-related since our inception in 1958 and the founding sponsor of the Hillsborough County Teacher of the Year program, it was a natural fit,” Conigliaro said.
“Overall, we are fortunate to be included in the Greater Seffner Area Chamber of Commerce’s welcome event annually,” said Seffner Elementary School’s assistant principal of elementary instruction, Kristine Claffie.
For more information, visit seffnerchamber.com, email info@seffnerchamber.com or call 627-8686.