The past two years, the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center (UMCSCC) has invited the community to a ‘Blue Christmas service.’ The focus is to offer a place where those that are grieving during the joyous Christmas season could find comfort. This year, when everything is different, its Blue Christmas service will also be different.

This year has weighed upon us heavily. A global pandemic has killed over a million people. Countries shut their borders, stay-at-home orders were implemented, schools are grappling with e-learning, businesses shuttered and many jobs were lost. Churches closing their doors to worship. Loved ones separated for their own safety, fires and storms, rioting in our streets and crime going out of control. Social distancing, face masks and temperature checks are our new norm. Once, we would have considered these realities inconceivable.

The social norms many of us grew up with are being torn apart. The UMCSCC acknowledges that this year has been a journey, and so it invites you to attend its Blue Christmas service on Sunday, December 6 at 7 p.m. As we enter into this joyous season in which we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we can acknowledge our sadness and grief and embrace the Hope of Christmas.

You may want to arrive early since space will be limited. However, the service will also be available via Facebook and YouTube.

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