Chance2Win is an online raffle website service based out of Southern Hillsborough County that has assisted nearly 1,000 nonprofit organizations and charities with raffle fundraising services. Chance2Win makes internet charity raffles easy with a streamlined setup and full reporting.
“We began building charity fundraising raffle software for charity websites about a dozen years ago,” said Heather Hammons, fundraising coach with Chance2Win. “That quickly caused other web developers to contact us to see if they could get the modules to add to sites they were building. So, for the last 10 years, we have been making raffle software that powers the majority of the charity fundraising raffles worldwide.”
Over the years, the web development expertise of what is now its sister company, The Web Ninja, earned a reputation of being able to solve website issues that others could not. Many years ago, a large charity was struggling with how to issue raffle ticket numbers when people bought tickets.
“Several web developers tried and gave up,” said Hammons. “With this opportunity, it made sense what to do and how to do it. Maybe it was all the years of helping charities with raffles in person, maybe it was our unique way of looking at it, but we created the system.”
To date, Chance2Win has raised over a quarter of a million dollars and has helped nonprofits raffle off everything from unique custom cars to cash. Charities such as Habitat to Humanity, United Way, Rotary International, US Army Rangers Association, churches of all types, schools, animal shelters, food banks, nonprofit hospitals, scholarship funds and homeless shelters have all benefited from Chance2Win.
“Recently, we helped Camp Freedom, an organization that helps veterans and first responders and their families, raise over $300,000 when they raffled off a custom ’69 Nova built by Danny and the crew at Count’s Kustoms,” said Hammons. “The most interesting one was when we got a call from a pretty major celebrity asking for assistance with helping raise money for a charity that supports kids who lost a parent in the military. It’s rare to have the actual celebrity call. That fundraiser was very successful, and we have since helped six other charities they are associated with.”
“Our average charity sees about 160 percent of the contributions over a traditional in-person charity raffle,” said Hammons. “It is really exciting to watch charities improve their fundraising year after year using software that we created.”
For more information, visit www.chance2win.org or call 699-9325.