The Par for the Chorus Barbershop Quartet is everything you might expect from a barbershop music group and more. In fact, while their name is a play on par for the course due to them being based in Sun City Center, where golf is a popular pastime, they are par to none.
Par for the Chorus is a nonaudition chorus comprised of men and women who sing a cappella arrangements of traditional barbershop songs as well as more contemporary songs. Performances and rehearsals include singing together as a chorus and singing as quartets.
The group was founded in 1999 by Don Looper, Jack Frobose and Lee Frayer and currently has 20 members of all ages, with Charles Bunton being the oldest at age 94. While the group is based in Sun City Center, there are members that come from Sarasota, Bradenton and Valrico.
President David Lemley welcomes anyone interested in joining the group.
“We are always looking for new members. We have many learning aids to help them get up and running even if they have never sang in a chorus before. We like to sing well, but we don’t take it too serious and we have a great bunch of fun and interesting people,” Lemley said.
Lemley has been singing for three years. The longest member in the group has been singing barbershop for 50 years.
Valrico resident Dan Tracy began singing last year.
“As a new member, I really like the camaraderie in the group. Everybody tries to help each other and uplift each other. I’m learning a lot about myself by attempting to learn how to sing, and it’s a great feeling when you do get it right and the chord tones ring out. I’m 59 years old and just starting, so if I can do it, anyone can,” Tracy said.
The first annual Ice Cream Social, benefiting Sun City Center Security Patrol and Par for the Chorus, is on Friday, April 5, from 2-4 p.m. at the Atrium Building, located at 945-D N. Course Lane in Sun City Center.
In addition to always welcoming new members, Par for the Chorus is looking for new opportunities to sing and perform. To contact them, email parforthechorusscc@gmail.com. For more information, visit their Facebook page @SCCbarbershopchorus.