Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back At Local Relay Events
Residents are invited to grab their walking shoes to do some laps at a local high school in support of finding a cure for...
Shopping Is Fun At Bloomingdale’s Annual Band Auction
What could be better than spending a Saturday afternoon shopping for gift certificates, gift baskets, useful items and maybe a find that...
Fitness Studio Wants Residents For Race
Rob Zulkoski is challenging residents. Challenging them to climb 42 stories. 84 flights. 914 steps. Up the Bank of America building in downtown Tampa.
A Kid’s Place Looking For House Parents For Foster Homes
A Kid’s Place is currently looking for individuals who are interested in becoming full-time House Parents, with salary and benefits. Interested candidates may be...
Mosaic Donates $50,000 To Support Local YMCA Programs
The year couldn’t have started better for Tampa YMCA Group Vice President Cindy Sofarelli, thanks to a generous donation by Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC, a...
County Shifts Focus To FishHawk Blvd And Bell Shoals Intersection
As work on the third and final phase of the Boyette Rd. widening project in Riverview continues, county officials have focused their attention on...
Bloomingdale Teen Goes To London, Performs For Queen
It was a dream come true for 14-year-old Brandon resident Adam Lambert, who just recently returned from a trip to London where he had...
Osprey Observer Plans Second Annual Bunco Benefiting Relay For Life
One of the Osprey Observer’s slogans is “in the community and in your mailbox, we’ll be there.” One more way the Osprey will be...
New Light At Lynx Paw Trail For Lithia Springs School Safety
For residents planning on driving down Lithia Pinecrest Rd., be prepared to make another stop at the intersection of Lynx Paw Trl. And Lithia...
Bloomingdale Library To Expand An Additional 10,000 Sq. Feet
Thanks to some funds that became available in the library’s budget last August, Hillsborough County Commissioners approved a $2.6 million expansion project to be...