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Purim Celebrated At Local Congregation Through Drama, Dance

By Summer Mansell One local congregation has rediscovered the importance of celebrating the biblical feast of Purim. For Beit Tehila, the day goes beyond mere...

Live Like You Mean It: Notes From A Cruise Out Of...

By Derek Maul It’s interesting how you can live somewhere 17 years, move away, and then see the old place in a way you never...

Grace Notes: Your Be Still & Know Place

By Debora Coty "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10, NIV). A while back, I found a Be Still & Know place near our...

Live Like You Mean It: An Unstoppable Flood Of Life

By Derek Maul “We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we...

Faith and Footprints: January 2016

By Kelly Wise Valdes The Cologne Cathedral soars above the skyline of Cologne, Germany. One of Germany’s most famous landmarks, this gothic-style cathedral was a...

Grace Notes: Stinky Face

By Deborah Coty Our conversation as my preschool grandbuddy Blaine watched me applying make-up: Blaine: What's that stuff do, Mimi? Me: It's blush; it gives me...

Studying The Roots Of Faith

Staff Report Roots are the portions of a plant that are typically unseen, yet they have one of the most important functions for life,...

January 2016: Get To Know Your Saints

By Kelly Wise Valdes A canonized saint that is honored as a special protector is known as a patron saint. A patron saint may also...

Getting Close To God In 2016

By Bonnie Mentel Our pastor recently asked if we were planning to go to heaven. Most of the people in the congregation raised their hands....