Ken Jordan and daughter Jessie prepare for a day of volunteering.

By Karin Davis-Thompson

Lisa Jordan and her husband, Ken, said they were looking for the perfect way to give back to their community. As the owners and operators of Accent American, Inc., they knew there had to be a way to use their skills and their business to make a difference.

They decided the best thing to do was use the expertise they had and provide professional cleaning services to local charities.

“We provide cleaning and disaster restoration,” Lisa Jordan said. “We can also do odor decontamination. It’s a way to give back to those who give to others.”

The services for a cleaning includes everything from carpet to laminate and other hard surfaces. Their disaster restoration services include restoring areas damaged by water, fire, mold and sewage, among other things.

They call their initiative Cleaning Community Gives Back and in 2015 started with Tampa’s Ronald McDonald House. In June 2019, they incorporated the effort and became an official not-for-profit.

The duo also created a Facebook page and to date there are more than 550 members. While they are still working with the Ronald McDonald House, they have added other charities to the roster.

Along with providing cleaning services, Lisa said they work with charities to provide other kinds of assistance. For example, she said she sits on the fundraising committee for the Sylvia Thomas Center, a local support group providing assistance and support to adopted and foster children and their families.

Lisa said she always feels really good when she sees all of the people willing to volunteer.

“At our last cleaning event, we had a family come down from Pennsylvania and bring their three children to assist,” she said.

She said the charity chosen for assistance is always extremely appreciative of their organization as well as the volunteers who take out time to help.

“I usually get a big hug from the facility manager when we are done,” Lisa said.

For more information on how you can volunteer or make a donation, email Lisa and Ken at

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