All Pro Dad is known for offering parents a chance to bond with their children, but this month, the Lithia Chapter of the group is also offering members the chance to have fun for a great cause.
The Bevis Elementary All Pro Dad group, led by Jim Gaffney, is hosting the second annual Clay Shoot and Fundraiser benefitting Operation Lotus on Sunday, January 31.
“We are looking forward to raising awareness and helping those in need during the most difficult times,” said Gaffney, who has three sons, two in fifth grade at Bevis Elementary.
A ticket to the event costs $50, which includes 50 shells, 50 clays, firearm safety information and the donation to Operation Lotus.
“We encourage dads to come out with their kids as there is no minimum age, as long as minors are each accompanied by an adult,” said Gaffney. “It will be great for the kids to also experience the gun safety information presented in the firearm safety class that starts the day.”
Operation Lotus, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to restoring hope to those experiencing tragedy, was started by FishHawk resident and Bevis mom Melanie Brockmeier-Jordy in memory of her husband, Leon, who passed away in September 2012. Since then, she and her organization have helped hundreds of local residents going through hard times from loss to illness. All money raised by the charity goes directly to the people who need it.
All Pro Dad is an international group committed to bringing intentional focus to fathers around the world. Groups in communities all over provide guidance and practical tips for raising children in addition to positively impacting people around them.
The Bevis group recently installed a buddy bench at the elementary school for children to use if they feel lonely during recess and has many other events planned for the spring.
To learn more, visit www.AllProDad.com and locate the Lithia Chapter for Bevis Elementary.
FishHawk Sporting Clays is located at 13505 Hobson Simmons Rd. in Lithia and can be reached at 689-0490.
To learn more about Operation Lotus, search for the group on Facebook or visit www.OperationLotus.org.