By Pastor Jomo Cousins, Ph.D.

Genesis 13:8-9 (AMP):
8 So Abram said to Lot, “Please let there be no strife and disagreement between you and me, nor between your herdsmen and my herdsmen, because we are relatives. 9 Is not the entire land before you? Please separate [yourself] from me. If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or if you choose the right, then I will go to the left.”

Divine divorces are God-ordained separations that happen when purpose has been fulfilled. In other words, God removes people from our lives once they have served their purpose. We will not always understand why, but we must trust God’s plan. Not everyone is going to finish the race with us. Some people in life are just a bridge to get us to a certain place. Once we arrive, God, in His sovereignty and providence, will orchestrate a separation.

I have learned that God consistently replaces them with better, just like He did when He separated Abram from Lot. His separation seemed to be a loss for Abram, but God turned it into a major gain. Casualties are a part of the journey. Trust God that whatever we need will be there when we need it and, when necessary, be ready to apply the gift of goodbye.

Father God, thank You for removing those who are not a part of Your plan for my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Except from: 60 Prayers in 60 Seconds, Page 29.

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