Slutty Vegan, a popular Atlanta, Georgia-based restaurant, took over Brandon’s Vine Vegan, located at 2080 Badlands Dr., from June 10 and 11. The restaurant takeover, from 6-11 p.m. each night, brought in over 800 people from all over Tampa Bay.
The two-day event was part of Slutty Vegan’s ‘Gettin’ Slutty Tour.’ Vine Vegan owner Danielle Stevens inquired about being part of the tour through Instagram. Within an hour of sending her message on June 5, they had the takeover scheduled.
One thousand burgers were sold, and they were sold-out on both nights 45 minutes before closing.
“This was one of the most incredible experiences. The new people we met and the exposure we got was amazing. The Slutty Vegan crew were like family a few hours into being here. It was an incredible collaboration,” Stevens said.
Slutty Vegan is a 100 percent plant-based burger restaurant known for risqué-themed, tasty food. The burger menu provided at Vine Vegan during the event included the One Night Stand, Fussy Hussy, and Sloppy Toppy.
Riverview resident Shani Williams was the first person in line on June 10, arriving a little after 4 p.m. It was not only her first time eating Slutty Vegan food, but it was also her first time at Vine Vegan.
“I saw on Instagram that they were coming, and I was like, I’ve gotta try it. I got two different burgers so I could try them. I ordered two of the Sloppy Toppys and two of the One Night Stands,” Williams said.
On Tuesday, Eve Lue-Shing and her son, Michael Brown, from Sun City Center, were in town for a doctor’s appointment and stopped at Vine Vegan for lunch. They decided to stay for a Slutty Vegan dinner. Lue-Shing said she went to Slutty Vegan when it started in Atlanta as a food truck.
As regular Vine Vegan customers and longtime Slutty Vegan fans, Lue-Shing and Brown said they love the tasty options at both restaurants.
“At Vine Vegan, I’m hooked on the smash patty melt. It’s like a burger and grilled cheese in one.” Lue-Shing said.
Brown added that he gets a different chick’n sammy every time.
“I mainly stick to the chick’n sammies. They have five different flavors. I get a chick’n sammy, but I feel like it’s a different sandwich because I get a different flavor every time,” Brown said.
To learn more about the menu options at Vine Vegan, visit https://vinevegan.com/menu/. To learn more about Slutty Vegan, visit https://sluttyveganatl.com.