Community For Women Changing Lives

The Community for Women of St. Stephen Catholic Church is a diverse group of women who gather for fun, fellowship, service and to lend...

Truth Center Church Joins Forces With Brandon High To Relaunch Into...

Truth Center Church is a small, local church that has a true passion for its community. Its vision is to proclaim the unadulterated truth...

Fellowship Church Launching New Riverview Location

When Fellowship Church (originally named FishHawk Fellowship Church) launched in 1998, it knew that God had big plans for its ministry in the community...

Celebrating Jill Andrew’s 20th Anniversary At Presbyterian Church Of Bloomingdale

By Alisa Gershman Community is everything to many of the people living in the Bloomingdale area. People always try and reach out a lending hand...

First Responders’ Break Room Coming To ARISE Church

Making a positive impact in the community is an ongoing mission for ARISE Church in Brandon. In keeping with this mission, the church will...

Kiwanis Benefit Featuring The Goldtones At The United Methodist Church Of...

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, located at 1971 Haverford Ave. in Sun City Center, welcomes The Goldtones for a 7 p.m....

Drawn To The Word Minister Creates Larger-than-life Mural At Apostles Lutheran...

Apostles Lutheran Church welcomes a guest pastor and internationally recognized performance artist, Paul Oman, on Sunday, March 24, at 10 a.m. The story of...

St. Andrew’s Launches Vitality Respite Center Ministry To Serve Those With...

Vitality Respite Center, a new ministry designed to support individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers, is now open at St. Andrew’s United...

New Pastor Reveals Big Things Are Happening At Grace Community United...

Grace Community United Methodist Church in Lithia was excited to welcome Juan Marcos Garay to serve as the new pastor this past summer. Garay...

Limona Village Chapel Concert Supports Families Through Partnership With Family Promise

Limona Village Chapel United Methodist Church brought joy to local families with the first annual Sing in the Season on December 10. The community...