If I Could Only Have Two Shrubs In My Landscape…
If I could only have two shrubs in my landscape, one would be firebush, also known as scarlet bush or Hamelia patens. This is...
Home Composting Workshops Offers By Extension
Did you know that we, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Hillsborough County Extension, offer Home Composting workshops to our...
A Favorite Heat-Seeking Annual – Coleus
Annual flowers provide a great opportunity to color up your landscape, front porch and lanai, whether in the ground or in containers. Most Florida...
2020 Florida State Fair – Recycled Yard Art Contest
Twice each year, UF/IFAS Extension in Hillsborough County sponsors a Recycled Yard Art Contest, one at the Florida State Fair and one at the...
Gardening Done Right
FFL 101 is an annual educational event addressing many of the principles of the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ program. There are nine FFL principles, which include...
New Year With New Opportunities Abounding
What do you want to accomplish garden-wise this year? Have you made a New Year’s resolution on your gardening goals? If not, we may...
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Guide To Plant Selection & Landscape
This is one of my favorite resources. I use it at home, work and many times when on site visits. It is easy to...
What To Give And Ask To Receive For The Holidays
The holidays are right around the corner, making this a great time to consider plants for gifting. The classic holiday plant selection is most...
Fall Gardening To Do List
To do lists—either you love them or hate them. Personally, I love lists. I have lists in my work office, in my home office,...
Rainwater Harvesting Ready, Set And Capture
Did you know that one inch of rain on a 1,000 sq. ft. roof will yield 623 gallons of water? Yes, that is hard...