Greg Green County Judge’s Motto “Experience, Integrity And Committed To Service,”...

Attorney Greg Green has dedicated his life to serving the people of Hillsborough County. Green was born, raised and educated here in Hillsborough County. He...

LaShawn Strachan Has Passion And Commitment For Service To The Community,...

LaShawn Strachan is passionate about service to the community. Strachan would like to continue her pursuit of this passion by serving as County Court...

Commissioner Stacy White Holds Community Office Hours At Library

Residents of Bloomingdale and surrounding areas were welcome to stop by the Bloomingdale Library on June 14 for a one-on-one meeting with County Commissioner,...

Community Invited To Candidate Forum At Bell Shoals Baptist Church

Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon will host its 23rd Annual Candidate Forum on Friday, August 3 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Worship...

Registered Voters In Hillsborough Have Three Methods To Vote: By Mail,...

In the United States, voting is a right. However, in order to exercise this right, every voter in Hillsborough County must be informed and...